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The result of the diligent work carried out by AGAINTELLIGENT has borne its fruit in the security mechanism, called VEHOO. The culmination  of work hand in hand with different centres of investigation has resulted in the presentation of this innovative product in the ESSEN (Germany) security trade fair. A novel system combining control and management of home access, providing additional security as the device incorporates an extra invisible lock, which is impossible to manipulate from the outside, and a sensor which detects and deters potential intruders when they try to gain access, automatically alerting the homeowner.

It is compact and durable, while attractive and elegant in design and easily installed. However, its functionality and capacity to use are its outstanding features.

Today, VEHOO is a reality, and in ESSEN security that could be corroborated. The visits from different professionals are a sign of the interest generated by the numerous advantages the mechanism offers: local and remote use, impossible to manipulate, automatic opening from the inside, opening with an electronic key, etc…