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SECURITY ESSEN was the first grand fair where the brand VEHOO was first seen by  the professionals in the sector; a presentation accompanied by a product still under development and a prototype.But INDUSTRY TOOLS by FERROFORMA, which took place from the 4th to the 6th of June,was  the place selected to present it as a fully finished product, ready for its commercialisation.

The successful presentation of this innovative security system, was accompanied by all the necessary elements and components to convince even the most demanding professionals. AGA INTELLIGENT had carefully over seen  every detail of this great moment. From its exclusive pack, with an original and attractive design, where the product and its components are shown in a clear and organized fashion, down to the elegant finish and design of the device.

Another outstanding factor, which makes VEHOO more attractive in the professionals eyes, has undoubtedly been the design and development of its own  platform and its easy use, which allows the  final user simple, instinctive and safe interaction . A tool which together with the product’s app, developed by iOS and Android, mark the difference with regard to other similar systems.

Clearly, there has been an evolution in the systems of security towards the digital world, in which the user, connected to  new technologies and the internet, also controls and manages the devices to lock and unlock their homes.

VEHOO which represents this evolution, is much more than a simple lock to access one’s home, and the professionals who visited our stand were able to verify this  in the demonstrations carried out. We are in the presence of  an invisible and intelligent security system, backed by the guarantee and credibility of a company with over 55 years experience and knowledge in the locksmith sector. A system, which thanks to cloud computing offers through the internet exclusive services which will make homes and other residential areas,  safer and more controlled places.

The sensors, another of the strengths of the device, keep the user constantly up to date on the entry and exit movements; alerts of any attempted intrusion, the condition of the battery etc…

INDUSTRY TOOLS by FERROFORMA was the beginning of a long journey, a look to the future which with VEHOO is now a reality.