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Jordi Rusiñol, whose kindness and total disposition to talk about the most noteworthy aspect in the relationship between Oliva Torras Grup and AGA is greatly appreciated, is also an accredited professional, 31 years in the same company,and a great communicator. In this interview he reveals, apart from his point of view, some of the experiences throughout the years of contact between the two companies.
In order to have a better understanding of who we are talking to, Jordi fills us in on his background: OLIVA TORRAS S.A. founded in Manresa in 1945, was until 2005 a company aimed at the subcontracting sector,in other words manufacturers for third parties.Time and market circumstances led to a pivot to adopt a model with its own product, which is where we are today. A diversified industrial group with five different business units, formed by about 500 people.

OLIVA TORRAS GRUP has a long history. Nowadays,what is your greatest asset,the characteristic which best defines your business model?
Our greatest asset is in our own culture, a culture which defines us as a company, a personal and different way to face challenges and difficulties.As well as a culture of manufacturers. Our over 75 year presence in the
marketplace designing and developing new products, allows us to offer solutions with added value. A culture promoting continuous improvement, for diversification to gain new territories. To get it right so our clients can see and feel us as the partner who answers every one of their needs.

You know AGA well, 10 years working together as a team, what would you highlight in the professional relationship between the companies?
Without a doubt, what stands out the most is the willingness to collaborate of all the people who I share time and challenges with. From the technical office to the commercial area, the answer is always yes. A yes followed by: we are going to work to resolve this, to see how to adapt it to the specific needs of each client.
It makes me proud when the commercial representative for the area calls to deliver samples,solve doubts or to discuss technical details of a product.Their complete willingness to collaborate is something that OLIVA TORRAS appreciates and values.

Proximity and production capacity

Concepts such as proximity and production capacity have acquired a great significance in current times.Is the fact that AGA is a national manufacturer a significant reason to continue to collaborate with them?
For me it is fundamental to know that the decision making centre is there, in AGA. That you know the people who respond,professionals you can ask for a favour, at any time, without the dependency on a third party. Their ability to respond is quick in all areas of the company:this speeds up the
process and the requirements are minimised.This is the concept of proximity that OLIVA TORRAS treasures.
I believe we are at a good time for European manufacturers.The successive crises and the pandemic have led to us rethinking the models of collaboration,contemplating and reevaluating the supply chain with companies closeby from the surrounding areas. That is a way of working that also goes hand in hand with our culture and social commitment.

From the experience of a leader like OLIVA TORRAS Grup, how do you see the future of the sector?
The need to create products like the ones we manufacture, predominantly metal based products with diverse applications and solutions giving added value, will continue to exist. And locking and unlocking systems like the ones AGA manufacturers as well.
On the other hand, the integration of electronic and digital technology in our products is already a reality. Also, the diversification of solutions, for example the installation of new charging points to recharge electric vehicles. In conclusion, new opportunities that we should take advantage of.