AGA takes steps to improve the organisation’s wellbeing COMPANY CULTURE AGA takes steps to improve the organisation’s wellbeingResponding in quality and service to a demanding and competitive market requires a motivated and…abijsad6sadjk2023-09-19
Nicolas Risterucci: ”AGA y HEXACOFFRE share the same values” GENERAL INDUSTRY Nicolas Risterucci: ”AGA y HEXACOFFRE share the same values”HEXACOFFRE, a reference in the installation of safes in the French market, has visited our…abijsad6sadjk2023-09-14
New objectives in sustainability: AGA is working hand in hand with MIK to design a plan of action COMPANY CULTURE New objectives in sustainability: AGA is working hand in hand with MIK to design a plan of actionOver recent years, AGA has taken steps in environmental sustainability and social matters,an evolution that…abijsad6sadjk2023-09-14
SEFER, a third generation company which has known how to adapt to new times GENERAL INDUSTRYHIGH SECURITY SEFER, a third generation company which has known how to adapt to new times“We are a company committed to our territory.This commitment means we work from here, with…abijsad6sadjk2023-06-06
Analysis and management of data, digital tools to improve the process and results COMPANY CULTURE Analysis and management of data, digital tools to improve the process and resultsIn AGA we are advancing in resources and digital tools.KPISync is the platform of Business…abijsad6sadjk2023-06-01
Sustainability, a global challenge which has been addressed in AGA with the ASG+ methodology COMPANY CULTUREGENERAL INDUSTRY Sustainability, a global challenge which has been addressed in AGA with the ASG+ methodologyThe impulse from sustainability is in place, and it stems from three fundamental vectors. From…abijsad6sadjk2023-05-30