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Systems and solutions

At AGA we offer solutions adapted to all types of clients. We divide our product into 3 main industries: General Industry, High Security Industry and Power Transformation Industry.

General Industry

The articles developed for general industry have as one of their main characteristics, in addition to their variety of references and wide range of solutions, the personalized adaptations that we can offer our clients from the standard product of the catalogue. The enclosure systems for industrial equipment and devices that we design and develop for the sector are made under the ISO 9001:2015 quality standards.

Cylinders and locks





Master keying

Locking systems

Latches and locks



Locking systems



High Security Industry

Protection and physical security are the key concepts that revolve around the design and development of solutions for this sector. Solutions in many cases that are adapted to the specific needs of each client, finally creating unique and personalized products. The wide range of references that appear in our catalog are a small sample of what we at AGA design and manufacture for the high security industry. All the effort of the company is directed to the integral satisfaction of the client. For this reason, we have a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 that guarantees our manufacturing and sales process. This commitment makes it possible for us to reach the market with a wide range of systems and locks certified according to the LINE-EN 1300: 2019* standard.

High Security Locks

Security locks

Deposit Locks

Bolt Works



Energy transformation Industry

Operation or interlocking locks are security devices which, applied to two or more moving parts, prevent or allow the movement of one of them when the others are locked in a predetermined position. In this way, only sequences fixed in advance are allowed, achieving the protection of the personnel and the safeguarding of the installations against the danger of accidents or erroneous manoeuvres.

Cam locks

Bolt Locks

Cell Locks

Key management

Solenoid controled locks

